Thursday, September 20, 2007

Learning From Successful Leader

We can learn about leadership formally, through training or informally through conversation. There are times when opportunities to engage with successful leaders present themselves unexpectedly. How many of us make productive use of these opportunities? If you were invited to meet a successful leader over lunch, what questions you would ask him or her?
In his leadership book “On Becoming a Leader“, Warren Bennis, lists some questions he uses to explore, as he put it: “how people learn, how they learn to lead, and how organisations help or hinder the process - or, to put it succinctly, how people become leaders“. The questions are interesting, and worth using as a tool when we have the opportunity to spend time with a respected leader. The questions mentioned in the book are:

What do you believe are the qualities of leadership?
What experiences were vital to your development?
What were the turning points in your life?
What role has failure played in your life?
How did you learn?
Are there people in your life, or in general, whom you particularly admire?
What can organisations do to encourage or stifle leaders?

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