Monday, September 24, 2007

Three Key Components of a Compelling Vision….2

A real vision statement reveals what business a company is in. It identifies not just the products or services offered, but the company’s core reason for existence—its purpose. It focuses organizational energy. A real vision statement provides broad guidelines for how to proceed in fulfilling the organization’s purpose, and a real vision statement offers clear pictures of what success looks like. We have found three elements that constitute a compelling vision:
Significant purpose: What business are you in? Purpose is your organization’s reason for existence. It answers the question “Why?” rather than just explaining what you do. It clarifies—from your customer’s viewpoint—what business you are really in…… Great organizations have a deep and noble sense of purpose—a significant purpose—that inspires excitement and commitment. When work is meaningful and connected to what we truly desire, we are able to unleash a productive and creative power we never imagined.
A picture of the future: What will the future look like if you are living according to your purpose? A picture of the end result should not be vague. It should be something you can actually see…… Your picture should focus on the end result, not the process for getting there.
Clear values: How do you want people to behave when they are working according to your purpose and on your picture of the future? Values provide guidelines on how you should proceed as you pursue your purpose and picture of the future. They answer the questions, “What do I want to live by?” and “How?” They need to be clearly described so you know exactly what behaviors demonstrate that the value is being lived. They need to be consistently acted on or they are only good intentions……. Most organizations that do have values either have too many values or they are not rank ordered. Research shows that people can’t focus on more than three or four values or those values will not really have an impact on behavior. Also, values must be rank ordered to be effective. Why? Because life is about value conflicts. When these conflicts arise, people need to know which value they should focus on.
"A vision is compelling when it helps people understand what business they’re really in, provides a picture of the desired future, and offers value guidelines that help people make daily decisions."
A clear and compelling vision for a leaders and their organisations is of vital importance. Looking at these three components of a compelling vision. How compelling is your vision? How compelling is the vision to those who work for you? How compelling is the vision for your organisation? Is it alive? Is it lived daily? Is it talked about? Is it being passionately pursued?

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